
On the 8th of November, I attended a quiz conducted by Barry O’Brien. The quiz was organised by students of BIM. I was amazed at the knowledge exhibited by the participants.

There was a round where advertisements of two products were mixed and shown. Bingo chips and Britannia were put in one basket, so was Kit Kat and Alpenlibe. The participants answered them in a flash.

Next was the round of questions:

What is a toehold purchase?

Here the shareholder purchases less than 5% of the companies stocks, which still gives him a say in the company’s affairs.

What are jiffy bags?

They are padded bags to protect fragile items when sent by post.

Then there was an interesting one,

 What is affluenza?

It is a disease among the rich which makes them guilty and lack motivation.

I also liked the question,

Who is a zero drag employee?

An ideal employee who  has no family and social contacts and would be able to contribute all his energy towards the growth of the company.

It was a great evening and I came out full of knowledge and information. Mr. Barry O’Brien offered me a bouquet for answering a question and appreciated me for writing the book. He is the younger brother of the famous politician and quizzer Derek O’Brien. I have made a resolve to become a good quizzer.
